"Turn It Around" - The Diversion Program" TM
When good kids make bad choices, Teen Law School can help.
TEEN LAW SCHOOL's "Turn It Around" Diversion Program is an innovative, early intervention curriculum for first and second time, non-violent juvenile offenders. It is currently in use in Arizona jurisdictions where recidivism rates are being impacted significantly.*
Our instructional design, materials, and teaching approach are straight forward and focused on creating behavior change. In addition to teaching your state's laws, penalties and life consequences associated with "The Six D"s, Teen Law School's "Turn It Around" program focuses on:
- The progression of consequences for repeat offenses
- The impact of having a juvenile record
- Skills building to resist peer pressure
During normal intake, probation officers assign eligible juveniles to the TEEN LAW SCHOOL "Turn It Around" program. The juvenile is responsible for downloading and printing a 16-page Teen Law School workbook which must be completed thoroughly at home and brought to class. Through a variety of challenging cognitive exercises, the workbook engages youth in self-reflection and requires 6-8 hours to complete over the course of at least one week prior to attending our workshop.
At regular intervals, trained TEEN LAW SCHOOL instructors conduct lively, four hour workshops for assigned juveniles. In the first half of the class, leaders explore "The Six D's," the leading legal dangers in teenage life and discuss your state's laws, penalties and life impacts that pertain to violations in each category. In the diversion environment, the participating attorney is usually a public defender or prosecutor who donates their time. During the second half of the program, leaders guide teens to develop peer pressure strategies to resist risky behavior, positively influence their peers, and avoid further contact with authorities.
"Has anyone ever broken the law just to get into this class?
This is cool!"
A student
Source: JOLTS (Juvenile Online Tracking System, Administrative Office of the Courts, Arizona Supreme Court)
Turn It Around -The Diversion Program and The Six D's are trademarks of Teen Law School, Inc..
The time for kids
to learn about the law is before a law is broken.