The time for kids
to learn about the law is before a law is broken.
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Parent Workshop
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Kids take risks, parents take precautions.
Parenting teens has never been more challenging or rewarding than it is today. As parents, we do everything we can to prepare our children for successful futures, but in the end, they are the only ones whose choices and actions determine their opportunities in life.
At TEEN LAW SCHOOL, we believe that teaching teens about the laws that govern their lives is just as critical to their futures as teaching math and science.
One foolish teenage mistake can result in lifelong complications with employers, landlords, school admissions officers, credit agencies, and professional licensing boards. No amount of remorse or regret can erase a criminal record, not even a juvenile one.
The purpose of our Parent Hub is to help you support your teens as they navigate the dangers of adolescence.
We'll share important information with you about the law which you can share with your teens. We'll help you start essential conversations with your children about drugs, alcohol, sex, relationships, decision making and setting goals for the future. We'll share your ideas for improving relationships with your teens, and we'll share what experts have to say about the issues that concern you most as parents today.
Keep watching for additions to our Parent Hub -- They're on the way!

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